What if you woke up tomorrow morning and everything you knew, your name, your identity, all of your memories, were gone? What would you do?
In fact, this is a real disorder called amnesia and it is marked by severe memory loss. It usually caused by damage to the areas of the brain that are vital for memory processing, and it is often permanent. Generally, people with amnesia do not forget their self-identity and who they “are”, but they do lose the ability to recall information and recollect past experiences and events.
Now this is a metaphor, but what if you had amnesia? You wake up in a hospital room and don’t know where you are, what your name is, or what has happened in your past. What would you do?
Let’s say your family and loved ones got together and agreed to plant new, powerful memories about the things that happened in your life. Because for every half-empty thought, there is a half-full side. For every broken leg, thought, or heart, there is a strength that came from it. So they agree to take the half-full side of all the experiences in your life and start planting these memories every day.
They tell you are stronger because of your falls, and that you are an amazing person with a huge heart, and that you are a powerful person with unlimited potential.
After 6 months who do you think you would be? The “old you” who had limitations, weaknesses, and challenges? Or would you be a confident, powerful, joyous, excited “new you” because of the new memories? Who would you choose to be?
The fact is you don’t need a head injury and amnesia to plant new memories and thoughts about yourself. We have the ability to look at the light and dark of a situation, the half-full and half-empty. We get to choose which side we want to look at and what to energize and believe in. The data points in your life, the past experiences and events, are real but how you perceive them as it relates to you is your choice!
Look at your life, and the memories of the things that have happened. Where are you creating pain and limitations because of how you think about it or because you believe what someone told you?
Start creating the memories that are going to add to your power and Greatness!!
Watch William use the Amnesia Tool in a coaching session!
[video_player type=”youtube” width=”560″ height=”315″ align=”center” margin_top=”0″ margin_bottom=”20″]aHR0cDovL3lvdXR1LmJlL0xJNHZuRzN6bkN3[/video_player]This video was excerpted from a real, recorded coaching session between Bill and his client. You can watch the entire session on the “Reality Coaching Channel” inside the members only area of the website. Click here to access your free trial today and experience everything this website has to offer!
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