One of the most important tools you have for creating your greatness is to journal daily or near daily. There are many benefits of journaling, here’s what you need to know:
The challenge is, everybody journals, they are just doing in their heads. They are thinking about their problems or their challenges, how they are going to solve something, and what they are going to do next. They are journaling with their thoughts and not actually writing them down. There is so much power when you write it down and capture it. It allows you to see, in black and white, why something is a certain way or why it is not. You can look at why you can or cannot do something, and determine if those reasons are real or not. You can really examine your thoughts in way that will allow you to see the reality of a situation.
A lot of people struggle with journaling today because they think journaling is writing things down like “I’m in isle 3 of the super market buying something.” That’s not what journaling is about. It is about capturing the thoughts, feeling, and actions that indicate who you were in that moment, or that day. It is about tracking your growth and progress, and looking at what worked and didn’t work for you. Was it the old you who was struggling with something new? Was it new you who did something different and you experienced growth? Were you trying to change and just couldn’t? Journaling really allows you to look at how you move back and forth through change and what strategies are or are not working for you.
Writing things down it really important to the military, they just don’t call it journaling. They call it mission logs. So if you want, call it a mission log process that allows you to document your thoughts and your mental software. It can be as simple as little scraps of paper, little notes or bullet points. And you find time to do it before bed, or when you wake up, or during the day when you have some down time. You can keep notepads and stickies everywhere and just have one book where you keep all of the notes consolidated in one place.
Journaling on a daily or near daily basis is extremely vital to your growth and success. Look at how, why, and what is important about how your changing or not changing. Really look at what it is that you are shifting. It is very important, as you become conscious about your growth processes, that you journal on a daily or near daily basis.
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