The best way to define life coaching is to compare it to counseling and traditional therapy. While there are some similarities, coaching is very different because it focuses on strengths and skills and develops strategic plans for achieving goals. Generally, the focus of therapy is to “heal” the patient by relieving pain and “fixing” psychological problems. You are not broken and there is nothing wrong with you, it’s just the strategies and psychology you have been using that has gotten where you are today. Coaching points out which strategies and neural patterns are preventing you from creating the life you want, and helps you form new strategies and patterns to achieve your goals.
Therapy, which is a much more reflective and softer science, is really designed to take the “adult you” back to the “little you” and go “Look, it’s not your fault. You did the best you could.” Then come back to today and tell you “It’s ok that you’re broken, it’s ok that things aren’t ok, it’s ok that you have these scars.” This is coaching, it’s very directive. It will teach you tools, put exercises in place so you use them. When people replace the neural psychology and software that they use to create reality, absolutely everything changes for them. Coaching is a very directed environment where you are provided with tools/exercises, questions and answers, options, consequences of making a change, and layers of evolution to take it further. You are building, growing, directed, inspired, and guided.
There are a number of reasons why The Inevitable You® is different from other coaching systems. While it has theory, it is much more tools centric and focused and you are actually going to use the system. It’s not just motivation, kind of helping and being a cheerleader saying “Come on you can do it you can be different!” It’s designed so that when you wake up tomorrow you will think different thoughts, feel different emotions, and you will be experiencing your life differently. It blends the best of psychology, meaning what is in your mind, with a very emotional and heart centered system. Our website has a superb, content rich, member’s area that allows you to get a few specific tools for specific problems, challenges, or questions. If you want to go as deep and far as you want, it literally has hundreds of hours of content, tools, and stories. You will see and experience a complete system changing everything from heart and mind, to money and spirituality, health and relationships, and career and business. It has something, literally, for everyone.
The Inevitable You® is a coaching system about you designed for you. When you look at other coaching systems, whether it’s the “7 habits of…” or the “21 pillars for…”, they’re good and have a lot of value but they are very vanilla flavored. This is The Inevitable You®, it has over 170 tools that specifically allows you to do anything you want. Get out of pain, create greatness, you can shift and transform as little or as much as you want in life. It is tools based and experientially created so that you will be practicing, using, and literally changing in minutes to hours as you apply the tools. To experience The Inevitable You coaching system, sign up for your 2 week FREE trial membership today. Visit for more information!
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