The 5th enhancement is very similar to the 4th, which was practicing the Law of Attraction.
When I look at most people’s “asks”, what they are asking for and what they really want, they do not use powerful language. When they write them down, they will use small words, emotionally uninspiring words, and they use language that isn’t very powerful for the things they want.
They will write things like:
”I want a better relationship.”
“I want to make more money in my job.”
“I want a better body.”
This is the focus, this is the beginning program that is creating the things they want. It is obvious that these examples aren’t very powerful or inspiring. When you say, “I want a better relationship with my spouse,” that doesn’t really give your brain something to work with or something inspiring.
When you use language like, “awesome, amazing, incredible, magnificent, outrageous, etc.” it will cue your mind and energy patterns and will actually produce different feelings in your body.
If you say, “I’m a little overweight and it’s my New Year resolution to get in shape.” What does it mean to get in shape? You might say I want to run a marathon this year, but most people don’t “program” themselves that way.
90% of people, or people that are challenged by things that constantly appear as roadblocks, or are less successful at creating the things they want, they will not program their minds with powerful language. You will have far more success at creating your reality when you say things like, “I am going to create this dynamic, alive, magnificent body with x% body fat and will do (these) physical activities to achieve (these) outcomes.”
On the negative side, to talk about the things they don’t want, they will use big words.
“I hate what is going on.”
“I can’t stand another day in this relationship.”
“I hate this job.”
“I hate this about me.”
They will create a lot of emotional intensity for the things they don’t want. Make sure what you ask for has a lot of emotional joy and success for you. Use big words, use really powerful language, and your brain will make it happen for you! Make the “ask” magnificent!
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