On a scale of 1 to 10 (10 being very much so, 5 being average, and 1 being not so much), how much do you believe in the Law of Attraction(LOA) and your ability to create reality?
If it is a 10, you create magic, you are a giant roaming the earth, even your challenges are turned into gold, and every opportunity turns out well. If it’s a 5, you get some outcomes that you want, or maybe just not the big ones that you want. 1 means not at all, it’s just a bunch of crap, and you don’t have any control over things that happen in your life.
Whether you call this “the secret”, neural patterns, or quantum physics, it doesn’t matter. When you focus on what you want at a high level, your brain, body, and life will begin to produce it a very high level. This is the 4th enhancement to the LOA.
From all the research on how we create reality, in all instances, it’s about what you are focused on. Are you focused on what’s going to work or what’s not going to work? Are you focused on fear and anxiety and all problems or things that could go wrong, or focused on solutions? Even if it is a great challenge how will you use the LOA to your benefit?
Here is something interesting to think about:
If you are sailing on a boat and there is a head wind, most people believe that you slow down and make less progress. That is true for 90% of planet, either it’s too risky and they pull their sails down, or slow down and their progress begins to decline. But if you look at the minds of successful people, the ones that use LOA every day to their benefit and not to their harm, all their sails are up when the boat is going into the wind. The boat begins to go faster because they use the headwind to their advantage. The stronger the head wind is the faster the boat goes because they reposition their sails. Many people do not use the challenges and the resistance in their life to their advantage.
You are busy thinking about your life, you are constantly focused on it, and you are always creating reality. The problem is most people are focused on what they don’t want. (this is explained by the “don’t spill the milk” metaphor in previous articles)
The movie The Secret talks about some fun examples to practice the Law of Attraction like manifesting parking spaces or thinking about people so they call or email you. Most clients will tell me that it worked for them and it was awesome! For the ones that it didn’t work for, I ask them “Did you put the emotion in your body?”
My daughter came to me when she was about 13 and told me how discouraged she was because the LOA wasn’t working for her. It was the Wednesday before Thanksgiving so I told her we would go out that Friday and manifest parking spots (We have a fun family tradition where we go out on Black Friday and do our holiday shopping.) We focused on getting the first parking spot closest to the door on Wednesday night and put a lot of great emotions to it. We went to Costco on Friday morning, it was a total madhouse. There were three cars ahead of us when we saw the white backup lights of the car in the very first parking space came on. The car backed out and all 3 cars passed it and we got it! We went over to Nordstrom’s, got the first parking space. Then went to Starbucks, first parking space. After the third one in a row, she kind of looked at me and said “Ok, I get it. I get it.” Some of you might be skeptical and some of you really do get this and have had similar experiences like thinking about a friend you haven’t thought about in a while and they call you.
You can remember a time when you were obsessed with having something. You have the emotion of success in your body, you know what it feels like at some level. What happens over time is you go to high school or college, and you start focusing on caution or risk. You start thinking that you can’t make things happen or that LOA doesn’t work for you. Virtually everyone has created something good in their life, and usually the greatest lessons in your life are when you created something that wasn’t so good. The more you believe in the LOA, the greater and more frequent your results will be!
If you believe you have some abilities to manifest things, if your number to the question above is a 7 or 8, why not ask for something extraordinary? Do you ask for more than parking spaces?
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