Ponder this sentence, “ALL results begin with a thought.”
Now rate this sentence on a scale of 1 – 10, where 10 means, it’s the law of the land, it is everything, everything begins with a thought. For 7 or 8, it’s above average – “Most things begin with a thought but hey, there’s tsunamis and storms on the planet,” or “Life threw me a curve ball, and that didn’t begin with a thought,” or “The economy’s bad – that didn’t begin with a thought… but most things do.” And for a 5 or 6, maybe that’s just an average feeling – “sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn’t.”
If your number is lower than a 10, you might want to rethink it because this has huge implications for how you create your reality.
The fact is, all of your reality does begin with a thought… because even if the storm happens, or the curve ball comes, they don’t really create your reality. What creates your reality is what you do with the storm’s aftermath, or the curve ball’s outcomes. That’s really what makes your life what it is.
At some level this makes sense, but at a deeper level, for many of you, it doesn’t. You might protest and say, “But I lost my house! I was divorced! My business is going under!” While those bad things that have happened in your life are real and you may not have created them, what you did after the fact had some role in the results of your life up to this point. Whether it is something bad that happens and creates disempowering thoughts about yourself, or it is something good and you think better, your thoughts are creating reality all the time.
Why this is a critical thought for you to ponder is because you control reality. You control what happens in your life. You control how you deal with the storms and curve balls, and they will happen. When you believe the statement that “ALL results begin with a thought” at a 10, everything will begin to change for you and it will greatly impact the current reality you live in.
When you realize that you are completely in control and are conscious of your internal dialogue and the language you use, you can change them to create the reality you want!
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