The Law of Attraction(LOA) says there is nothing, nothing, and no exceptions, nothing in your life today that you did not attract (meaning you asked for it, believed in it and received it.) This is really tough for some people because they go, “No way did I ask for […]
As a leader, do you listen to your subordinates tell you their truth and punish them if they disagree with you, or dismiss them if they are contrary to your direction, or do you thank them and honor them whether you agree or not? Do you massively, immediately reward the […]
Think of all the arguments and conflict you have in your relationship. Most of the time, these conflicts are not the real discrepancy: they are not the real point of pain. They are only those vehicles that are safe enough and close enough to the real issue so that the conflict […]
Procrastination creates a huge obstacle for achieving goals, being successful, and managing your time. This can create numerous problems, both psychological and physiological. This behavior will tend to create higher levels of stress and anxiety which has negative effects on the nervous system and hormone level. It can also create […]
The first thing to know about change is to understand that most people focus on “how” and less on the “Why.” However, it’s absolutely critical to know the “Why” first. When you know the “why”, the “how” becomes easier. For purposes of this article, we’ll assume you know why the change […]
Why It’s Important to Look Forward Not Backward When Seeking to Become the Greatest Version of You …
Too often, therapy dwells on your past rather than on where you’re going. Now don’t get me wrong, therapy can help you feel good about where you are and give you some understanding of your past patterns. But to become the greatest version of you, you need more […]
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