Chances are you have failed with your New Year’s Resolutions in the past. Maybe you have even stopped making them because what’s the point anyway? Well, you’re not alone… Studies have shown that 60% of people create resolutions, but only about 10% actually make them happen. Why do so many people have a tough time with keeping their resolutions? This episode covers the top ten reasons why, and what you MUST do to ensure your success this year! And, these ten things apply to all goals, not just resolutions…
The Top Ten Reasons Why New Year’s Resolutions Fail:
1. Your psychology is built on avoiding failure and as a consequence, actually enhances the probability that you will fail.
2. You don’t believe that you can do them in the first place, they are made at the last moment without much thought, and failure is expected. (But sometime in the future you WILL figure it out, just NOT NOW.)
3. There is no real plan (no details, no follow through, no nothing…)
4. You do not gather the references or resources that you will need to succeed or to assist in the process.
5. While you may intellectually think you SHOULD do them, you are not emotionally attached to the goal or what you say that they want.
6. There is a complete lack of clarity – the goals are not specific or concise… (“I will work on my marriage.” “My health will improve this year.”)
7. You MUST know WHY you want this. If the “why” is big enough, the “how’s” become automatic. If not, you will block yourself by not finding the “how.”
8. It’s a “should,” not a “MUST.”
9. (This one can be a bit complex,) you really DON’T want what you say you want… (Does the overweight person want to be thin?)
10. So based on the first nine, you build a list over and over every year, it gets longer and longer, and you feel worse and worse, so you overestimate what you can do in one year, and you underestimate what you can do in five! (if you wired yourself to win, EVERY year… YOU WIN!)
Can you relate to any of these? Do you want to ensure success with your resolutions this year?
Take our “New Year Revolution!” online course that guides you through a 9 step process of goal setting, planning and keeping!
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