One of the biggest challenges people have with embracing potentiality and successful psychology is that they have been taught and told to perform in accordance with labels. When you go to first grade and get told “sit down, shut up, look like all the other kids in the room, color within the lines, we’ll give you an A,” your individuality, your uniqueness, and your potentiality is diminished. Most people have been taught to believe what authorities, experts, and other people say about them.
Let me give you a great metaphor: Let’s say I was skiing up on Vail mountain and I fell and had this terrible leg break. I got down to the emergency room and the doctor looked at this horrible break and said “Mr. Sumner, I want you to know something. 90% of my patients limp with that break.” (Although this is a metaphor, it’s very real. I can show you any number of studies that show this same phenomena.) When we look at that doctor’s patients, 90% of them limp and 10% say, “No I’m not going to limp, I’m going to figure it out.” But 90% accept the diagnosis and the label of a “limper”. They believe what this loving, compassionate, authority, expert told them about their broken leg.
In a parallel universe, different day, same leg break, a different doctor says “Hey Mr. Sumner, I want you to know 90% of my patients walk fine. Now you have to do the rehab, it will be arduous, but if you do the rehab, then you’re going to have a great life. You’re going to walk fine.” If we study that doctor’s patients, 90% of them walk fine!
People come into my office all the time and ask for coaching and I watch them limp in psychologically, emotionally, or spiritually. I ask them, “Why do you limp?” And they tell me “Because I broke my leg.” They don’t tell me “Because an authority I trusted convinced me I was a limper.” So it’s my job to convince you that you have unlimited potentiality.
The metaphor gets really great in its conclusion…
When you look at how the body looks at that bone and says “Oh that’s a big break, I’m not going to build that bone back 100% good as new, I’m going to build it at 110% or 120%!” It overbuilds the bone and makes it stronger such that between the two bones, that broken leg is now stronger than the other one!
That very same process occurs in psychology as well a broken heart, a broken mind, a broken thought.
Look at all the times someone told you that you would limp or that you would be unsuccessful. Did you listen to them and believe them? What limitations exist for you today because someone told you that they exist or that it’s just the way you are? Instead, look at the strengths you have now because of that broken leg, or tragedy, or failure. Redefine those times in your past that have been the source of your illusionary problems so they become your strong points in creating your ultimate success in any arena of life.
That tragedy, or failure, or injury that you always viewed as a limitation now becomes the strongest part of you. But only if you do the rehab, you must do the work to repair the break. Now you are allowed to break free from any programming from your parents and your family of origin, to anything that happened in your school years, anything, anywhere, anytime. Find a different authority, find a different expert, find what the latest in rehab is and watch your strengths and potentiality just soar.
You will never limp again!
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