Think about the Hollywood stereotypes and movies of the military, Rangers, Navy SEALs, and special forces. Most people believe that elite military units look for the unbreakable soldier. I trained Army Rangers in my last 3 years of service, I was a chief instructor, I promise you 100% that we don’t look for unbreakable men. Do you know why? Because combat breaks everyone, that training breaks every man. That was my job as an instructor, to make sure at some point during those 9 weeks of training that I broke that man’s spirit. Because do you know what we really look for? What do you do when you have been broken? It’s really simple… do you get up? That’s the only thing we look for. Everything else we can train, do better physical fitness, better technical skills. Most men, when they have been broken, do NOT get up. When the wheels come off the bus, when they get beat, they don’t get up. They get down and stay down.
If you want to be a champion, remember two words, “Get up!” Get up when your butt is getting kicked, and you know what that means. And if you don’t, you will know when the time has arrived, it will be the hardest thing you have ever done because you will not want to get up and you have been beaten. A champion never stays down, they always get up.
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